Welcome to

Group Home Mastery

“Impactful Investing”

How exciting is it to start your first or next group home right?

If you are just starting out come join our community of facility owners throughout the country! You will be in business within next 30 – 90 days. You will know how to find licensed facilities, start unlicensed ones and learn the differences between the two. Group homes, senior housing, assisted living facilities are one of the fastest growing realestate types that are also recession proof 🙌🏾

Glad to see you made it to our sign up page! Are you ready to learn about the best opportunity? Did anyone ever tell you that you can make a profitable business from helping people?

Check this out the government will even pay you to help people! How would you like to help as many people as you can while creating cash flow for yourself? If this sounds good to you click on the sign up now button to receive tips and tricks from us. 🤜🏽🤛🏽

What’s in the course?

If you want to open your first or next Group Home, then Group Home Mastery is your go to guide for how to get started and scale your business! There will be videos, realestate contracts, insurance personnel, funding options, mortgage recommendations and my personal library of agreements I use to this day! This is a lifetime access, and you will have to download the app called “Slack” and accept the invite to our PRIVATE community. Every first Saturday of the month at 10am are when our zoom calls are held to discuss deals, strategies and the overrall economy. We look forward to having you onboard inside the community.

We have a 30 day money back guarantee If this product is not for you!

If you want to join our community of facility owners, click the link to get you enrolled 🙌🏾